F.ormal L.ogic D.ecay è un progetto di Luigi Maria Mennella, di stampo Industrial, ma con una forte componente sperimentale e d’avanguardia, oltre che di improvvisazione.
Luigi Maria Mennella cura anche i progetti Furvus (Dark Ambient con influenze classiche dedicate all’Antica Roma) e En Velours Noir (Gothic di stampo neoclassico e d’avanguardia).
“F.ormal L.ogic D.ecay”
(self produced, 1990) MC
(self prod., 1990) MC
(self produced, 1991) MC
(self prod., 1991) MC
“anaLOGIC 95”
(self prod., 1995) MC
“inFORMAL 96”
(self prod., 1996) MC
“Halloween” [cover song]
(s.p., 2000 ca) MC
“Wearing out til Obliveon” [song]
[included in “Florilegium Insaniae”]
(Hiems Creations, 2000) CDR
(Anaemic Waves Factory, 2000) ltd CDR
(Anaemic Waves Factory, 2000) ltd CDR
“Apocalypnosis (re-arranged)”
(Anaemic Waves Factory, 2000) CDR
“Verso l’Equilibrio” [song]
[included in “The Suns of Lutetius”]
(A.W.F./Oktagön, 2001) CDR
(a sonorized enviromental report)” (Anaemic Waves Factory, 2001) ltd CD
“Macht geht vor Recht” (s.p., 2001)
“From Dead Temples”
(End All Life Prod, 2001) LP
(cooperation with Altar of Perversion)
(a sonorized enviromental report)”
(Dark Vinyl, 2001) CD
“Antropophagus” [song+essay]
[included in n.0 of Amoeba magazine]
(Rustblade, 2003) magazine + CD
“La prima volta” [song]
[included in “Snuff Electronics”]
(Butcher’s House, 2003) ltd CDR
“Lac(hr)onic” **
(Anaemic Waves Factory, 2003) ltd MCDR
“CyBEARnetics” [song]
[included in “Teddy Bear Remix Project” ]
(A.f.e. Records, 2003) 4-CDR set
“#8703: last harsh expression” [song]
[included in “The Power Propaganda”]
(Anaemic Waves Factory, 2004) ltd CDR
“Tribute to Koji Tano” [song]
[included in homonymous tribute project ]
(Steinklang Recs, 2005)
downloadable 10-CD set
“That Old Black Magick” [song]
[included in “Arte Noise”]
(MDT/Noise Industry, 2006) ltd CDR
“CelebrAction” *
(Selenophonia, 2011) ltd 3-CDR set
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forthcoming album:
“His Master’s Void”
(t.b.a./2012) CD